The Animal Research and Welfare Service (SIBA) is the Unit in charge of all aspects related to the use of animals for scientific purposes at the University of Valladolid. It has facilities adequate to the legal regulations in force (Directive 2010/63/EU; Royal Decree 53/2013), and is registered as a Breeding Center, Supplier and User of Animals for Experimentation and other scientific purposes under number ES471860000033.
In addition to the use of animals in their natural habitat in projects aimed at ecological studies and environmental protection or for agricultural purposes, much of the research has biomedical purposes, and is carried out in the different facilities managed by SIBA:
- Central Animal Facility, Health Sciences Building.
- Institute of Biology and Molecular Genetics.
- Rio Hortega University Hospital.
The project for a new Central Headquarters for Preclinical and Clinical Studies is currently under development.
- Advice on all matters related to the use of animals for scientific purposes, including legal, ethical, methodological, administrative and experimental aspects.
- Supply, housing and breeding of animals.
- Facility management.
- Technical personnel for the development of techniques and procedures, surgery, anesthesia, etc.
- Veterinary service.
- Maintenance of official animal registries, genetically modified organisms, and all those required by current legislation.
Both in-house and through collaboration with other university departments and services, there is a wide range of equipment available for use for scientific purposes related to animals.
Maintenance Rooms
In the different facilities there are housing rooms for different purposes:
- Mice: There are rooms for housing mice in conventional conditions, and also rooms for keeping animals in SPF conditions, in ventilated racks (Tecniplast® and Allentown®). According to needs, there are also rooms for housing immunodeficient mice, with the necessary conditions to preserve their microbiological status. There are several rooms suitable for housing colonies of genetically modified mice.
- Rats: There are rooms for housing rats in conventional conditions, and also rooms for keeping animals in SPF conditions, in ventilated racks (Tecniplast®). According to needs, there are also rooms for the housing of immunodeficient rats, with the necessary conditions to preserve their microbiological status.
- Cobaya/Gerbo: Equipment is available for housing these species in appropriate rooms.
- Rabbit: In the facility there are several rooms that accommodate the housing of this species, both in enriched cages and in exercise pens. Breeding cages are also available for work that requires them.
- Poultry: There is a space for housing hens, with enriched cages and cages. There is also an incubator and a park for day-old chicks. On the other hand, there is also space for quail housing at the request of projects.
- Pigs: There are three recently installed pig housing farms with automatic drinking and hopper feeding systems.
- Sheep: There are spaces available for the housing of this species, both in proximity to experimental operating rooms and in experimental farms through agreements signed with other public entities.
Experimental Rooms
These rooms are equipped for the different procedures, both for specific procedures and for follow-up during a project, so that the researcher can have the necessary equipment for the different procedures during the duration of the project.
We have laboratories equipped for internal use for sanitary control, etc. as well as for service to researchers.
- Centrifuges
- Dry biochemistry analyzer
- Hematology analyzer
- Binocular magnifiers
- Microscope
- Refractometer
- Wood's lamp
- Stove
- Freezers
- Instrumental autoclave
Washing rooms
With a dirty-clean circuit, and equipment to maintain adequate hygienic and sanitary conditions:
- Dumping station for dirty swarf
- Washing tunnel
- High-performance cage-washing equipment
- Bottle washing and refilling equipment
- Swarf refilling station
- Autoclave
- Clean room
Operating rooms
The facilities have several operating rooms, both for small animals and for larger ones, such as pigs or sheep, equipped for the different techniques used: Traumatology, Neurosurgery, Otorrino, Ophthalmology (including anterior segment and vitreoretinal surgery), etc.
- Draguer Anesthesia Equipment, with monitoring and respirator.
- Anesthesia equipment for rodents
- Infusion equipment.
- Surgical microscopes, motorized and non-motorized, with video and recording systems.
- Heated blankets
- Operating room tables adapted for use with animals.
- Flow cabinets for rodent surgery.
- Operating room lamps, ceiling and floor lamps.
- Two-channel electromyography system for EMG, ENG and PE recording with stimulation and recording module.
- Phacoemulsifiers
- Vitreotomes
- Portable biomicroscope
- Ophthalmoscope
- Otoscopes
- Tonometer
- Ocular ultrasound scanner
- Gynecological ultrasound scanner.
Supply of own-bred animals
Mice are bred and supplied: Swiss, CD1, and C57BL/6J. Rats: Wistar Han. And New Zealand rabbits.
Supply of animals from suppliers
We manage the purchase and transfer to our facilities of the rest of the species, or animals that, due to their characteristics, must come from external sources. The management is done both at national level, as well as from EU countries or third countries.
Transfer of animals
From the service we manage all entries and exits of animals from any origin and to any destination, in order to comply with all animal welfare standards and achieve the best health guarantee.
Animal housing and breeding
Researchers are provided with housing, breeding and supply services. In the case of genetically modified animals, the official registry is maintained in accordance with current legislation. The breeding programs necessary for the achievement of their objectives are established.
Experimental rooms
Experimental rooms adapted to different species are available for temporary loan to researchers to carry out their projects. These experimental rooms can be equipped with SIBA equipment or with the researcher's own equipment.
Sanitary, hematological and anatomopathological control
At the request of the researchers, we perform the required controls, both in our own laboratories and in accredited external laboratories.
Experimental services
Personnel are available to perform different procedures within a project:
Blood extraction, administration of substances by different routes, review of animal health status and welfare, anesthesia, surgical procedures, wound care, identification by different techniques (tattooing, ear piercing, ear tags, microchipping, etc.). Preclinical imaging techniques, minor and major surgical procedures. We also offer the technical service for the development of a complete experimental project, for example immunization and antibody collection, urine collection at a specific time, collection of embryos with a defined time, etc.
We can also reproduce different experimental models: Surgical, Pharmacological, Nutritional, etc. and we have veterinary service.
Through the Laboratory of Instrumental Techniques (LTI) we have a 9.4T NMR equipment that allows Magnetic Resonance Imaging studies in mice.
In addition to animals, researchers are supplied with materials necessary for the development of their procedures: Standard or special diets, bedding, enrichment materials, drugs, laboratory or operating room consumables.
Technical advice
On aspects related to the use of animals for scientific purposes: choice of models, animal welfare, care, monitoring, legal regulations, administrative procedures, review of procedures, organization of activities, etc.
Training activities
The SIBA organizes and informs about training activities organized by other entities, both for accreditation in animal experimentation and continuing education.
Requests (spaces, animals, materials, services...)
It is requested that the following form be completed and forwarded to both the above email and
Transfer of animals
Animal transfers are subject to strict health and welfare legislation and require complex procedures that are always organized by SIBA.
In case of ENTRY of genetically modified animals, please also include: OMG Risk Assessment FORM
- Job offer for an animal technician at Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO). More information here.
- Animal caretaker in Tres Cantos (Madrid), full time. Vivotecnia Research. More information here: Animal Caretaker-Animalario.
- Animal house technician position at the Josep Carreras Leukemia Research Institute. Deadline: until August 16, 2021. More information here: Call for Animal Facility.
- Job vacancy for animal house technicians (PAS Laboral Group III) at the University of Barcelona. Deadline: until 28 July 2021. More information here.
- Position as coordinator of the Animal Experimentation Service of the Josep Carreras Leukemia Research Center. More information here: Call for Animal Facility-1.
- Call for selective process for the expansion of the job vacancy for the position of Official of Office (Attention and Care of Animals). More information: Call BOCYL-D-13052021-10.
- Animal Laboratory Specialist Technician UVA (Laboral Staff). Deadline: until January 20, 2021. More info: here.
- CIEMAT. 3 contracts of 2 years. Deadline: January 31, 2020. More info: here.
- Access to the CSIC job bank for Groups 1 to 4 within the Internship and Predoctoral Agreement and access to the CSIC job bank for the selection and hiring of temporary labor personnel outside the Agreement to carry out a specific research project. More information: here.
- CNIC Cardiovascular. Incorporation in September 2020. More information here.
- CBM Severo Ochoa. Deadline: March 1, 2020. More information here.
- Xenomic Medicine Group. Genetic study of ASD. Deadline: January 30, 2020. More information here.
- CIMA University of Navarra. PhD student. Interspecific chimeras and organ regeneration. More information here.
- La Paz Hospital. Metastasis. More information here.
- University of Luxembourg. RAS cancer cell biology. Deadline: 22 March 2020. More information here.
- Fundaçao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (Portugal). Deadline: 26 February 2020. More information here.
- Hospital La Paz. Primary cell cultures and human genetics. Deadline: 10 February 2020. More information here.
- IMDEA Food Institute. Liver Metabolism. Deadline: 8 February 2020. More information here.
News and novelties
News related to animal experimentation (publications of UVa researchers, new related legislation, etc...).
Ongoing training
- Guide for the maintenance of personnel training.
- Application for renewal of accreditation for animal use
Training activities
Here you can find links to the training activities related to those required by law to obtain or maintain accreditation to work in animal experimentation.
- JAX® webinar organized by Charles River: Considerations for study and preclinical testing for aging research. 7 December 2021, 15:00-16:00 h. Register here
- Free webinar: Impact of biological material on laboratory animal health and experimental outcome. 23 September 2021, 09:30 h (60-90 minutes). More info here: FREE IDEXX WEBINAR BIOLOGICAL MATL.
- Free Jackson Laboratory mini-course (30 minutes): Inbred mouse strains and genetic resources: a beginner's guide. More info here.
- Free Jackson Laboratory mini-course (1-2 hours): Common laboratory mouse strains: a beginner's guide. More info here.
- Free Jackson Laboratory mini-course (2-4 hours): Mutant and transgenic mouse strains: a beginner's guide. More info here. here.
- Good Scientific Practices Course. Fundación General CSIC. For PhD students. VIII Edition from 14 September to 15 October 2021 and IX Edition from 2 November to 2 December 2021. More info here: 2021_VIII_IX_EDICION_PROGRAMA_FOLLETO
- Event Human KIT+ Myeloid Cells Facilitate Visceral Metastasis by Melanoma. 21 September 2021, 16:00 h. More information here.
- Course on Occupational Risks, Protocols and Good Practices in Animal Experimentation. 20 hours online, from September 6-9 from 16:00 to 21:00 (Monday to Thursday). Program and registration Aimed at personnel related to animal experimentation and handling with accreditation as competent personnel to work with animals for experimental and other scientific purposes (category B) and/or for animal protection and experimentation in biomedical sciences (category C). The course will be taught through google meet.
- Course on Good Scientific Practices. CSIC General Foundation. For doctoral students. VIII Edition from 14 September to 15 October 2021 and IX Edition from 2 November to 2 December 2021. More information here.
- Course on Occupational Risks, Protocols and Good Practices in Animal Experimentation. 20 hours online, from September 6-9 from 16:00 to 21:00 (Monday to Thursday). Program and registration. Aimed at personnel related to animal experimentation and handling with accreditation as competent personnel to work with animals for experimental and other scientific purposes (category B) and/or for animal protection and experimentation in biomedical sciences (category C). The course will be taught through google meet.
- Course on Good Practices in Animal Experimentation and Other Scientific Purposes. 20 hours online, from July 19-22 from 16:00-21:00 hours (Monday to Thursday). Program and registration. Aimed at personnel related to animal experimentation and management with accreditation as competent personnel to work with animals for experimental and other scientific purposes (category B) and/or for animal protection and experimentation in biomedical sciences (category C). The course will be taught through google meet.
- Presentation of the paper Modeling Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CARs) and T Cell Bispecific (TCB) Therapies in Mice by Dr. Joaquín Arribas (director of the Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology). Date: June 29th at 16:30 Spanish time. More information here.
- Curso Actualización en Bienestar y Experimentación Animal. 20 horas online, del 21-24 junio de 16:00 a 21:00 horas (lunes a jueves). Programa and inscripción. Dirigido a personal relacionado con la experimentación y manejo animal con acreditación como personal competente para trabajar con animales de experimentación y otros fines científicos (categoría B) y/o para la protección y experimentación animal en ciencias biomédicas.
- Refresher Course on Animal Welfare and Experimentation. 20 hours online, from June 21-24 from 16:00 to 21:00 (Monday to Thursday). Program and registration. Aimed at personnel related to animal experimentation and management with accreditation as competent personnel to work with animals for experimental and other scientific purposes (category B) and/or for animal protection and experimentation in biomedical sciences.
- Webinar 4 May 2021 Charles River: How understanding mouse nomenclature can help your research. More information: here.
- Free Webinar 23 March 2021 Charles River: Novel Disease Modelling with Diversity Outbred Mice. More information: here.
- Webinar 15 December 2020 Charles River: Keys for our researchers using mouse models. More information: here.
- Training Webinar 20 October 2020: Optical Imaging applied to the study of animal models. More information: here.
- X Training Workshop on Animal Model Phenotyping 18-22 May 2020. More information: here.
- Seminar 11 March 2020: ENVIGO-UAM continuing education. Rodents for research. More information: here.
- Seminar 10 March 2020: Continuing education ENVIGO-University of Valencia. Rodents for research. More information: here.
- Seminar 21 February 2020: From molecular mechanisms to disease: epigenetics. More information: here.
- MOOC The Three Rs and Animal Use in Science 13 January-19 February 2020. More information: here.
- Seminars 4 and 12 February 2020 Doñana: Potential and actual severity of procedures and communication of information to the Competent Body. Continuing Education Seminars on Animal Welfare: Wild Animals. More information here.
- Course 23 January 2020 (webinar 16:00 h.) organized by The Jackson Laboratory: Choosing the Best Mouse Models for Your NASH Research. To register: here.
- Course 11 June 2019 (webinar 17:00-18:00 h.) organized by Charles River: How to achieve reproducible studies with mouse models. To register: here.
- Course 3 May 2019: Management of Colonies of Genetically Altered Animals Continuing Education Course Animal Experimentation
- IX REMA Conference 21 February 2019 : Chemical risks and their evaluation by the European Committees Chemical Risks Programme.
- Live webinar 11 octubre 2018 : Humanized FcRn Mice: An Essential Platform for Pharmacokinetic Evaluation of Human Therapeutic IgG and Albumin-Drug Conjugates Register now.
Here you will find links to on-line resources containing information on techniques (blood collection, laboratory animal anesthesia, related scientific societies, etc.), alternative techniques, guides, websites of interest, etc.