4th Research, Innovation and Transfer Day at UVa
Dear researchers,
On 24 February 2022 @ 12.00h we have organised the 4th Conference on Research, Innovation and Transfer of the UVa, in online mode, as a meeting forum for the vice-rectorate, services and units dependent on it, and the research community of the UVa.
The workshop is conceived as a meeting forum to address issues of interest to researchers at different stages of their careers (pre-doctoral, doctoral students in their first years of practice or more consolidated senior researchers), from different areas of knowledge (Humanities, Health Sciences, Nature, Social Sciences, Law, etc.), or with different contractual modalities (contracted teaching staff, civil servant teaching staff, contracted researchers, etc.).
It is worth highlighting the figure of Salustiano Mato, who was invited to give the first talk. He is probably one of the most authoritative people to talk about research and knowledge transfer in Spain as he was Vice-Rector of Research at the University of Vigo for seven years, Rector of the University for eight years and Director General of Research, Development and Innovation of the Xunta de Galicia for four years. He is known for being the main promoter of the sexennium of transfer, he was part of the executive committee of the sectorial commission of R+D+i of the CRUE and has been the president of the Conference of Rectors of Southwest European Universities.
On this day we think that a good topic is to ask ourselves how we would like to be UVa research in a few years, where would we like to see ourselves?
To enrich the debate, you can send us your proposals and ideas beforehand using the form you can find below on the button.
As usual, we will present some of the actions carried out by the vice-rectorate, particularly in relation to the development of the HR Excellence in Research Action Plan.
Also, as in previous occasions, we will have the intervention of a relevant postdoctoral researcher recently incorporated to the UVa in the calls for attracting talent.
Save the date! We count on your presence and active participation!
12.00. Inauguration of the Conference by the Rector of the UVa, Antonio Largo Cabrerizo.
12.05. Salustiano Mato de la Iglesia: "A look into the future of research and knowledge transfer at the University".
12.30. Cristina Tejedor Rodríguez | Daniel Álvarez González | Florencia García-Rapp: "The challenge of interdisciplinarity in research". Presented and moderated by Félix López Iturriaga, Director of the Research Area.
12.50. Javier Aguiar Pérez | Danilo Cantero Sposetti:: "University-Business knowledge transfer from two practical perspectives". Presented and moderated by Enrique Baeyens Lázaro, Director of Innovation and Transfer.
13.10. Actions developed and in progress (HRS4R Seal | Website | Research Mentoring Programme | Calls 2022 | ...).
13.30. Forum for discussion. How we would like to see research and knowledge transfer at UVa in a few years, where would we like to see ourselves?