Research Projects
The projects will be managed in accordance with the legislation applicable at any given time, the regulatory bases, the call for proposals and the grant resolution. The application on the basis of which the grant has been awarded is binding: any modification to what is requested therein must have the authorization of the awarding body.
The information provided here is of a general nature and may not be fully applicable to a specific call for proposals.
The Research Service publicizes the calls for national and regional projects through the UVa website. The best way to be informed of the calls is to subscribe to it. You can do it from the section SUBSCRIPTIONS, at the bottom of the web page.
The following aspects must be taken into account when preparing the application:
- Team members. It is necessary to distinguish between researchers linked to the University of Valladolid as civil servants or permanent employees, personnel who do not have a permanent contract (associates, assistants, research assistants, grant holders...) and those who are not linked (researchers from other organizations, contracted by Funge...).
- Compatibility. The compatibility section of the call establishes the number of projects and the way in which you can participate in them. If you do not have dedication available or participate in another incompatible project you will be excluded from the project to the detriment of the rest of the group.
- Budget. We finance the marginal costs, that is to say, the expenses that are generated exclusively and undoubtedly for the execution of the project. The most common items are the following:
- Personnel. These are generally personnel contracted for work or services. To know the estimated amounts to be taken into account for the calculation of the amount to be requested, please contact the Research Department at
In the same Personnel section, some calls for proposals include salary complements. These are granted according to the quality of the UVa research team, and the amount requested does not influence the evaluation of the project.
- Expendable material. The expendable material necessary for the execution of the project will be listed generically. It must be taken into account that some projects do not admit office material expenses.
- Inventory material. The equipment that needs to be acquired to execute the project must be listed. Computer programs and books are considered inventoriable. Their acquisition shall be foreseen at the beginning of the project.
- Travel and per diem. Travel expenses necessary for the execution of the project as well as for its coordination shall be reflected. Expenses incurred for attendance to congresses and scientific meetings, except for registration fees, will also be included. Only the members of the research team linked to the project by means of their nominal inclusion in the application, by subsequent incorporation authorized by the organizing body and those contracted by the same may travel under this item.
- Other expenses. This includes the costs of registration to congresses, contracting of external work, courier services, use of large research facilities, translations and publications. Also included in this section are travel expenses and collaborations of researchers from outside the project that have been requested in the report.
The Vice-Rector for Research is the legal representative of the entity for the signature of research project applications. These will be signed in his office in the Student House (Research Service).
Generally, the Legal Representative is responsible for the administrative part of the application to be adapted to the call, so it is necessary to send the draft of the application, with sufficient time, to the research service for the review of the economic-administrative part. For this purpose, the following e-mail address has been set up.
Sending of applications. The Research Service undertakes to manage the signature of the applications received within the deadline set by the Service (generally up to 2 days before the deadline). Interested parties will be responsible for sending those submitted after the deadline.
Projects to be signed and registered telematically. In the event that the call for proposals requires the telematic processing of the entire application process, the signature and telematic registration will be carried out from the Research Service. The principal investigator will proceed in accordance with the call for proposals, finalizing his/her part, at the latest, two days before the deadline. The Research Service will send the registration receipt once the registration has been completed. In those calls in which the application is unique, to be made by the institution, it will be closed the day before the deadline, not admitting applications on the last day.
Funding proposal: Upon receipt of the proposal for funding or reformulation of the projects proposed for award (if any), the principal investigator must send a signed copy to the Research Department.
Communication of the award: Once the award resolution has been received, a copy of all the documentation received must be sent to the Research Department.
n the case of projects granted by public administrations in which the beneficiary is directly the University of Valladolid, the Management will advance the annual payment within the first month from the beginning. In the case of projects in which the coordinator is a company, the Management will advance two monthly payments of personnel expenses.
Expenses incurred prior to the start date established in the award resolution, or after the end date, will not be admitted against the project. As a general rule, all invoices must be submitted up to fifteen days before the end of the project or the presentation of partial justification. At the end of the execution period, the existing balance will be withdrawn for reimbursement to the Public Treasury.
Budget modifications. The project expenditures must correspond to those reflected in the application or those subsequently accepted by the awarding agency. Any substantial modification must be authorized in accordance with the call for proposals.
Modifications in the composition of the research team. Any new member of the research team must be authorized by the awarding body.
Any reference in any media to the subsidized action or its results must include the fact that it has been supported by the granting agency. Likewise, the corresponding mention of the co-financing European fund must be made. A label with the anagram and the legend of the financing organizations must be attached to the equipment acquired with the subsidy. Failure to comply with these requirements is cause for reimbursement.
Once the project has been completed, the administrative services will carry out the economic justification while the Principal Investigator will prepare the scientific report. Both will be sent to the granting body in accordance with the provisions of the call for proposals.
If you wish to participate in a project not managed by UVa, you must request it in the standardized form:
You may send it to the mail address signed by you electronically, for subsequent authorization by the Vice Rector for Research; or,
It will be submitted to the Research Service, with a handwritten signature, for authorization by the Vice Rector for Research.
To apply for European projects, please contact the General Foundation of the University, the entity to which the management of these projects has been delegated by agreement of the Governing Council of July 19, 2007.
European Projects Office
Art. 83 LOU Contracts
The Research Service is responsible for the management of contracts signed under Art. 83 of the LOU. It is also responsible for the financial management of the university's own degrees and university extension courses.
Those interested in carrying out a contract under art. 60 LOSU must fill in the official forms, which will depend on the activity to be carried out. They will take into account the limitations of time commitment established by the agreement of the Research Commission of 05/06/2023 that establishes a maximum of 6 hours/week and a minimum of 1 hour/week of dedication to the contract.
The person in charge of the contract will contact the Research Department so that it may issue the corresponding invoices, if applicable, as reflected in the contract.
Until the amount of the invoices issued has been collected, or the amount of the contract has been paid in accordance with the provisions of its clauses, no expenditure shall be authorized against the contract. It is recommended that the form of payment established in the contract include the payment, upon signature, of a sufficient portion for the costs of executing the contract.
Invoices will be processed as described in the section Invoice Requirements and following, depending on their amount and the location of the issuer.
They will be processed by filling out the corresponding form according to the person's labor category:
Any alteration to what is reflected in the budget initially submitted will require prior modification of the same, which must be authorized by the Research Committee. If you are not very clear about the expenses to be incurred and the contract does not limit them, it is advisable to budget expenses in the most common subitems (consumables, inventories, travel and other expenses) in the initial budget. Once the period of execution is over, budget modifications will not be allowed.
The University of Valladolid, in order to achieve the purposes entrusted to it by its Statutes, has the capacity to enter into agreements with other institutions and natural or legal persons, public and private, national or foreign, aimed at channeling the implementation of joint activities.
As a result of the complexity and variety of agreements in which the UVa intervenes, as well as the recent regulatory changes arising from the entry into force of Law 40/2015, of October 1, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector, it is necessary to establish a guide that contemplates the basic aspects of the administrative procedure to be followed by the agreements managed by the General Secretariat of the UVa.
The guide will apply to the processing, approval, signing and monitoring of new agreements, renewals and addenda to existing agreements signed by the UVa.
It is recommended that at least part of the amount be collected upon signature, in order to have a balance available to cover the costs of executing the agreement.
If the agreement does not include the research team, the final agreement must be accompanied by the agreement execution commitment form signed by the entire research team.
Research Lines
A “line of research” is understood as the set of knowledge, concerns, products and projects, built in a systematic way around a thematic axis in which activities carried out by one or more research groups converge and will require their development following the appropriate methodological guidelines in the form of R&D&I projects or contracts. These activities will be aligned with the research objectives of the university.