Íñigo Capellán Pérez
Systems Engineering and Automation | Group on Energy, Economics and System Dynamics (GEEDS) |
Industrial Engineer with a double degree from the University of Valladolid (specialising in Energy) and ENSAM-Arts-et-Métiers (France). Master in Electric Energy and Sustainable Development and PhD in Economics "Development and Application of Environmental Integrated Assessment Modelling towards Sustainability" at the University of the Basque Country (2016).
Since 2010 I am a member of the Recognised Research Group (GIR) and Consolidated Research Unit of Castilla y León (UIC) Energy, Economics and System Dynamics Group of the University of Valladolid (GEEDS-UVa). During my PhD thesis I was part of the "Low Carbon" group of the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), where I became familiar with international environments and projects. In 2017 I did my first postdoc in the H2020 MEDEAS project at CSIC-ICM. Since then I am back at GEEDS-UVa working on H2020 projects and have been contracted Juan de la Cierva-training in 2017-2019 and since 2022 Juan de la Cierva-Incorporation.
So far I have done two international stays: JGCRI (USA, 2016) developers of the GCAM reference IAM and at the RES Foundation (Serbia) dedicated to the research of community energies in post-socialist European countries.
I research strategies to achieve sustainable societies from the perspective of energy systems intertwined with all other elements of society: economy, materials, climate, etc. Energy transitions are complex socio-technical phenomena, hence my multidisciplinary background and interests. My research focuses on the analysis and modelling of energy-economy-environment systems, the transition to renewable energies in the context of fossil fuel depletion and climate mitigation, the techno-sustainable potentials of renewable energies, as well as the feasibility of the transition from the point of view of energy metabolism and material availability.
I combine the macro perspective on energy transition, focusing on the development and application of integrated assessment models (IAM) simulation at global, EU and national scales, with a more "micro" perspective focusing on the potential of decentralisation and sustainable community energy at the local level.
As a result of my research, my vision is that achieving sustainable societies requires a paradigm shift that goes far beyond purely technological changes, including rethinking the value and applications of energy from a holistic perspective, as well as how it fits into the socio-economic system.