Angélica Santa Cruz del Barrio
Physical anthropology and prehistoric archaeology | GIR PREHUSAL (University of Salamanca) |
I graduated in History from the University of Valladolid and specialised in physical anthropology in Granada, where I did a Master's degree in Physical and Forensic Anthropology. In 2016 I started my PhD at the University of Valladolid, which I finished in 2022.
After my PhD, I spent about a year as a physical anthropologist at the Historical Memory Association of Valladolid for the identification of repressed victims of Franco's regime, an organisation with which I am still collaborating today.
At the end of 2022 I received the Margarita Salas postdoctoral contract (Call 2022 of the University of Valladolid), thanks to which I am spending two years at the University of Salamanca in the GIR PREHUSAL group (Prehistory) and collaborating with the GIR OLFATOUSAL group (Chemistry).
I obtained my PhD with a multidisciplinary thesis project in which the ossuaries of a group of megalithic ossuaries in the Northern Subplateau were studied, covering various aspects and auxiliary techniques of prehistoric study such as physical anthropology, palaeodemography, taphonomy and radiocarbon dating.
Continuing this line of research, I am currently carrying out a new project to contribute to the problem of sex estimation in human remains from ancient populations through the direct detection of dimorphic peptides from dental enamel with rapid mass spectrometry-based methods.
My vision is to integrate an interdisciplinary archaeological study through collaboration between different scientific techniques and methodological perspectives, in order to deepen the historical interpretation of ancient populations.