Xavier Paredes Méndez
Thermal engines and machines | Termocal | Bioeconomy Institute |
After finishing my PhD at the University of Santiago de Compostela, I was teaching at the University of Valladolid as an associate professor during 2011-2012. After a brief period at the University of Santiago de Compostela, from November 2013 to July 2015 I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Soil and Water Sciences of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot Campus, where I entered a new field for me, that of flow in porous media. I worked on simulating the evolution of a porous matrix under dissolution and pressure. During my stay in Israel, I applied for and won one of the postdoctoral fellowships of the Portuguese "Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia", and in September 2015 I started my new career at the "Centro de Química Estrutural" (https://cqe.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/ ), a research unit of the University of Lisbon. My work here brings me back to the field in which I did my PhD, being related to the measurement of thermophysical properties, in this case of ionic liquids, either pure, in mixtures with water and also with nanoparticles, in the search for new heat transfer fluids for use in future heat exchangers, as well as the search for new working pairs for cooling by absorption. In January 2022 I joined the University of Valladolid as a María Zambrano researcher.
I study the thermophysical properties of complex systems in which ionic liquids are used as a means of storing and transporting hydrogen efficiently, without having to resort to high pressures or low temperatures. This opens up the possibility of its use in areas where it is currently difficult, due to the difficulties derived from its low volumetric energy density.
My vision is to obtain liquid compounds, easily transportable, that can be hydrotreated and reversibly dehydrogenated, to eventually achieve a cyclic process that operates with no (or very low) carbon emissions.