Mohamed Lifi
Systems Engineering and Automatics | Group on Energy, Economics and Dynamics of Systems (GEEDS) |
My professional career began with obtaining a degree in Energy and Electrical Engineering (2018) at the "École Nationale des Sciences Appliquées del Jadida - Morocco". Then I graduated as a Doctor in Fluid Thermodynamic Engineering (2021) at the University of Burgos (thesis in co-dissertation with the University of Chouaib Doukkali - Morocco), having obtained the qualification of outstanding Cum Laude, as well as the International Mention. This doctoral thesis contributed to the experimental investigation and modelling of the thermo-physical properties of complex fluids of interest for the formulation of environmentally sustainable biofuels. After working as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the General Foundation of the University of Valladolid for one year, I moved to the University of Valladolid, where I am currently working with a postdoctoral contract within the "Juan de la Cierva-training 2021" programme. I am part of the research group "Energy, Economics and Dynamics of Systems" (GEEDS) at the School of Industrial Engineering of Valladolid, an interdisciplinary group that integrates researchers from different fields with the aim of analysing the transformations necessary to achieve sustainability with a special focus on energy. I am currently involved in two lines of research. The first one focuses on the modelling and simulation of sustainable energy systems through the system dynamics methodology, which I have been working on since 2021. On the other hand, the second line is the experimental determination and modelling of thermo-physical properties of industrial fluids, on which I have been working since 2018.
My research focuses on modelling and simulation of sustainable energy systems using system dynamics. The overall purpose is focused on the analysis and modelling of Energy-Economy-Environment systems to test policies during the transition to renewable energies, in the current context of fossil fuel depletion and climate change. Given the holistic view of these models, I contribute to the reflection and analysis of the sustainability of technical and social transformations that influence the system at different levels. This line of research combines a macro perspective on energy transition focusing on the development and application of integrated assessment models (IAMs) at national, European and global levels; with a more "micro" one focusing on the potential and limits to decentralised energy development at local (community and municipal) level.
My future goal is to become a reference person in both lines of research.