Federico Camerin
Urban and Territorial Planning Area | GirPTU - Territorial and Urban Planning | University Institute of Urban Planning |
Architect-urban planner at the Università Iuav di Venezia (2014), I was a researcher in 2014-15 and 2016-17 at the same University through two annual research grants in urbanism. Between 2017 and 2020 I was Early Stage Researcher in the framework of the European Horizon-2020 project ‘urbanHist’ through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action - Innovative Training Networks (ITN) programme, obtaining the double degree of Doctor of Architecture (University of Valladolid) and Ph.D. (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany). In 2021 I was a postdoctoral researcher in urbanism at Iuav with a stay at the University Institute of Urbanism (IUU-UVa) and, between January 2022 and August 2024, I was a postdoctoral researcher with research project ‘Urban Regeneration as a new version of Urban Renewal Programmes. Achievements and failures’ in the framework of the Spanish national programme Margarita Salas at UVa with a stay at the Research Group on Architecture, Urbanism and Sustainability (GIAU+S, Polytechnic University of Madrid). Currently, I am a Ramón y Cajal researcher contracted with the project ‘Las propiedades militares en Europa: Estrategias de Regeneración y sus efectos sobre Procesos de Producción Socio-Espaciales’, where I develop my research activity (recognised with a tranche by ANECA-CNEAI) and teaching as a regular member of the IUU-UVa and the Recognised Innovation Group ‘Planificación Territorial y Urbanística’.
I have also carried out other periods of research stay in national and international centres (Urbanization Observatory of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, 6 months, 2013; BUW, 6 months, 2018; Institute of Social Sciences, Košice, Slovakia, 3 months, 2018-2019; Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid, 3 months, 2019) and I have developed teaching collaboration tasks in the Universities Iuav (Italy), BUW (Germany) and UPM (Spain). I have participated in several teaching innovation projects (UM: ‘Building bridges between the UPM and the social and political fabric of Madrid’, 2022-23; ‘Bellas Vistas para las vecinas’, 2023-24; UVa: Territorial challenge: sustainable strategies for local development, 2024/25), being a member of the Educational Innovation Group Learning Active Methodologies [GIE-AMA], which received the UPM Consolidated Educational Innovation Groups (GIE) Awards in the Call 2023.
I have served as external reviewer to evaluate R+D+i projects of ‘COST Association’, ‘Agencia Estatal de Investigación’ and ‘European Research Executive Agency’ ( Horizon Europe programme, ‘New European Bauhaus’ and ‘MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships’ calls).
The scientific contributions derived from my studies have formulated integrated proposals for analysis and intervention, both from Urban and Territorial Planning and from the new strategic instruments of urban ‘renovation’ and ‘regeneration’ operations in Spain and Italy. I have contributed to the generation of knowledge and ideas in the Area of knowledge of Urban and Territorial Planning (AUOT) through continuity and coherence in the research work, where a specific object of study is maintained, but where a generalisable understanding of the question of urban regeneration applied to large institutional land parcels is sought. The scientific and technical skills acquired, including the use of analytical tools, new technologies and planning and design criteria, have allowed me to achieve a high degree of autonomy, leadership and transdisciplinarity to channel research in AUOT and acquire an interdisciplinary perspective in which fields of knowledge such as architecture, geography, law, history and economics are involved. Among my contributions to society, I have been invited by City Councils, public entities and networks of agents to take part in specific public events, which served as scientific support for the decisions to be taken by policy makers in terms of territorial governance and dissemination to the general public.
My vision is to deepen and apply the knowledge acquired during my pre-doctoral and post-doctoral training, especially at the University Institute of Urban Planning, and to continue researching urban regeneration processes in European cities, especially those triggered by the conversion of former military installations to civilian use. I want to be a reference in urban regeneration issues and pave the way to contextualise concrete proposals to guide regeneration operations to address existing environmental, social and urban inequalities, thus enabling local sustainability, promoting urban resilience and fostering the long-term well-being of local communities.